(403) 342-5800 | 69 Dunlop Street, Suite 15, Red Deer, AB T4R 2H6
Low sugar fruits are far from boring. These fruits are popular; they may even be among your favourites. You can minimize sugar intake, without taking away the great taste of your food or drink.
Avocado. One cup of avocado contains only about one gram of sugar. Their violet or green colour combination makes it easy to identify ripe from green. Their high soluble fiber and omega 3 content makes them the top of the healthy fruits list. Avocados can also help lower bad cholesterol. Add mashed avocado to your sandwich filling for a nutritious twist.
Cranberries. A full cup of cranberries contains a little over four grams of sugar. Cranberries have long been popular for their association to holidays but they can be enjoyed any time of year. Apart from their low sugar content, cranberries also offer antioxidants. Amp up your yogurt or chicken salad by adding cranberries. Just be sure not to mix cranberries with additional sugar.
Strawberries. Containing seven grams of sugar per cup, strawberries are worth keeping close by if you’re after a healthy snack. Strawberries also exhibit antioxidant powers and is also packed with vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. When whipping up a healthy dessert, include strawberries for your topping!
Blackberries. Like strawberries, blackberries provide only seven grams of sugar per cup. Loading up on this fruit won’t harm your teeth long as you stick to your regular dental care habits. Aside from being low in sugar, blackberries also contain fiber and protein. They’re a good addition to your smoothie recipe.
Raspberries. Five grams is all the sugar that a cup of raspberries will give you. Aside from the low sugar content, raspberries also contain fiber higher than other berries. This fruit may also be beneficial for those aiming to lose weight. Who says you can’t have a great dessert when you’re watching your sugar intake? Raspberries also make great snacks!
Lime. One lime contains about one gram of sugar so this citrus fruit can also help if you’re looking to lower sugar intake. It’s also high in Vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. Add them to your smoothies, but be sure to drink water afterward to help counter the acid.
Lemon. With a little over one gram of sugar, lemon also lands on the list of fruits with the lowest sugar content. Lemon is usually added to water and is also often made into a fruit juice. If you’re already practicing this, consider using straw instead of drinking directly from the glass. This will help reduce direct exposure of your teeth to acid.
Consider these low-sugar fruits as you plan for healthy snacks for the week. Then again, always remember that moderation is key to enjoying variety in your diet. You don’t have to stay away from sweets completely long as you’re making efforts to protect your teeth against tooth decay. Let’s help you keep your beautiful smile.
69 Dunlop Street, Suite 15, Red Deer, AB T4R 2H6 deerpark@imagedental.ca (403) 342-5800
Image Dental Care provides premiere dentistry care to patients in Red Deer AB. Services include: General dentistry, family dentistry, children and toddler dental services, cosmetic dentistry, dental hygiene and cleanings, Invisalign and orthodontics, dental implants, root canal therapy, teeth whitening and more!