(403) 342-5800 | 69 Dunlop Street, Suite 15, Red Deer, AB T4R 2H6

The surprising link between heart disease and your mouth

Does having healthy teeth help you have a healthy heart and vice-versa? 

The mouth is filled with bacteria, many of which are harmless. With good oral hygiene habits,  like daily brushing, you can prevent the bad bacteria from causing problems.  

When you brush your teeth, you probably don't think about its effect on your heart. But several  studies suggest that oral health may play a big role in cardiovascular wellness. 

We look more into that in this post. 

The link between the mouth and heart: what studies say 

1. Brushing habits and risks for heart disease 

According to a study, brushing at least twice a day and for more than two minutes each may  reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular disease. 

Researchers think this may be because people who are paying more attention to their oral  health may also be paying more attention to other aspects of their health.  

If a simple everyday activity such as tooth brushing can have such an enormous benefit to your  overall health, there's no reason not to practice it.  

Experts also see the findings of this research as a reminder that the mouth is an integral part of  our general health, and that daily healthy habits are important.  

2. Gum disease and hypertension 

In another study, findings suggest that gum disease may worsen blood pressure and interfere  with hypertension medications. 

Participants of the said study are treated hypertensive adults above 30 years of age. Results  revealed that those with moderate to severe periodontitis tended to be older men who smoke  and have other risk factors.  

3. Gum disease and heart disease and their similar risk factors 

Gum disease and heart disease share risk factors. Harmful bacteria from inflamed gums can  make it to the bloodstream and reach the heart.  

Having poor oral health may put you at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, especially if the  dental issue is left undiagnosed or untreated.  

In addition, inflammation can be a major concern in both the mouth and heart.  

Inflammation is the body’s automatic response to fighting irritants or invaders, such as bacteria,  viruses, or foreign objects. Signs of inflammation may include redness, and swelling.  

Periodontal, or gum, disease involves inflammation. Bacteria invade and cause the gums to  recede and form pockets that host more bacteria to multiply.  

Heart inflammation causes chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling of certain body parts, and  fatigue.  

Experts emphasize the word 'may' 

Connections between the heart and oral health don't mean that proper brushing or brushing  more often can reduce or treat heart disease. Nor do they mean that having heart conditions  equate to having poor oral health.  

However, these studies do show there’s more reason to pay attention to your oral hygiene  habits and researchers attest to that. 

Prevent gum disease, improve heart health 

Here are some ways to improve oral and heart health. 

While experts stress that the link between the mouth and heart isn't entirely clear yet, the fact  doesn’t change that your oral health needs your attention. 

69 Dunlop Street, Suite 15, Red Deer, AB T4R 2H6
(403) 342-5800


Image Dental Care provides premiere dentistry care to patients in Red Deer AB. Services include: General dentistry, family dentistry, children and toddler dental services, cosmetic dentistry, dental hygiene and cleanings, Invisalign and orthodontics, dental implants, root canal therapy, teeth whitening and more!


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